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Paytm Integration IOS Swift FrameWork

Writer's picture: Rakesh KumarRakesh Kumar

It was bit tricky for me when i implemented the #paytm #sdk in my #ios #swift #project

Let's go step by step how i implemented.

First of all you need to create your own paytm merchant account:

Then go to and click on "Setup #Payment #Gateway" in Payment Gateway section:

You will get your test merchant key and account secret key. Don't share your MERCHANT_KEY. Its unique and used by paytm to do transactions for your account.

Now let move to code section. You can download the sample code by visiting below link:

I have used swift PaytmSDK.framework so my next steps will be based upon this.

After downloading the sample code from

Copy the framework #PaymentSDK.framework into your project and add it to your project by dragging in file explorer bar of Xcode

Then in your project target's build phases section add #SystemConfiguration.framework under "Link Binary With Libraries " section and if #PaytmSDK.framework is not there then add it by pressing + button.

Also add PaytmSDK.framework in build phases section of your project target under "#Embed #Frameworks" section. If "Embed Frameworks" section is not found then add one by hitting + button:

Now framwork is added then import PaymentSDK in your view controller:

import PaymentSDK

Then add below extension to your viewcontroller:

extension AIPaymentSettingsVC :PGTransactionDelegate{

func didFinishedResponse(_ controller: PGTransactionViewController, response responseString: String) {



func didCancelTrasaction(_ controller: PGTransactionViewController) {


self.removeController(controller: controller)


func errorMisssingParameter(_ controller: PGTransactionViewController, error: NSError?) {

self.removeController(controller: controller)

if error != nil {

print(error?.localizedDescription ?? "")



func showController(controller: PGTransactionViewController) {

if self.navigationController != nil {

self.navigationController?.pushViewController(controller, animated: true)

} else {

self.present(controller, animated: true, completion: nil)



func removeController(controller: PGTransactionViewController) {

if self.navigationController != nil {

self.navigationController?.popViewController(animated: true)

} else {

controller.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)



@objc func initialisePayment() {

let custId = UUID().uuidString

let orderId = UUID().uuidString

var orderDict = [String : Any]()

orderDict["MID"] = "Your merchant Id"

orderDict["ORDER_ID"] = orderId

orderDict["CUST_ID"] = custId

orderDict["MOBILE_NO"] = "Your Mobile Number"

orderDict["EMAIL"] = "Your Email Id"

orderDict["INDUSTRY_TYPE_ID"] = "Retail";

orderDict["CHANNEL_ID"] = "WAP";

orderDict["TXN_AMOUNT"] = "1.00"

orderDict["WEBSITE"] = "WEBSTAGING";

orderDict["CALLBACK_URL"] = ""+ orderId

orderDict["CHECKSUMHASH"] = "";

API.shared.generateChecksumHashCall(userInfo: orderDict) { (response, error) in


if error == nil {

self.creatPayment(order: response as! Dictionary<String, Any>)




//Creat Payment----------------

func creatPayment(order:Dictionary<String, Any>) {

let mc = PGMerchantConfiguration.defaultMerchantObject

let transaction = PGTransactionViewController.init(transactionParameters: order)

transaction.serverType = PaymentSDK.ServerType.eServerTypeStaging

transaction.merchant = mc

transaction.delegate = self

self.navigationController?.pushViewController(transaction, animated: true)



So all done on IOS Side. Now You have to add server side code to generate and verify Checksumhash

in any language of your choice. I have done in #Node-JS

Download the #node -JS source code from below URL:

Add the #paytm folder from downloaded source in your "#Visual #Studio #Code".

Add your router for generating/verifying paytm #checksum:

var express = require('express');

var router = express.Router();

var paytm_config = require('../paytm/paytm_config').paytm_config;

var paytm_checksum = require('../paytm/checksum');

var querystring = require('querystring');'/api', function(request, response) {

console.log("/ has started");

response.writeHead(200 , {'Content-type':'text/html'});




})'/api/generate_checksum', function(request, response) {

var paramarray = {};

paramarray['MID'] = request.body.MID; //Provided by Paytm

paramarray['ORDER_ID'] = request.body.ORDER_ID; //unique OrderId for every request

paramarray['CUST_ID'] = request.body.CUST_ID; // unique customer identifier

paramarray['INDUSTRY_TYPE_ID'] = request.body.INDUSTRY_TYPE_ID; //Provided by Paytm

paramarray['CHANNEL_ID'] = request.body.CHANNEL_ID; //Provided by Paytm

paramarray['TXN_AMOUNT'] = request.body.TXN_AMOUNT; // transaction amount

paramarray['WEBSITE'] = request.body.WEBSITE; //Provided by Paytm

paramarray['CALLBACK_URL'] = request.body.CALLBACK_URL;//Provided by Paytm

paramarray['EMAIL'] = request.body.EMAIL; // customer email id

paramarray['MOBILE_NO'] = request.body.MOBILE_NO; // customer 10 digit mobile no.

paytm_checksum.genchecksum(paramarray, paytm_config.MERCHANT_KEY, function (err, res) {

response.writeHead(200, {'Content-type' : 'text/json','Cache-Control': 'no-cache'});




})'/api/verify_checksum', function(request, response) {

if(request.method == 'POST'){

var fullBody = '';

request.on('data', function(chunk) {

fullBody += chunk.toString();


request.on('end', function() {

var decodedBody = querystring.parse(fullBody);

response.writeHead(200, {'Content-type' : 'text/html','Cache-Control': 'no-cache'});

if(paytm_checksum.verifychecksum(decodedBody, paytm_config.MERCHANT_KEY)) {





// if checksum is validated Kindly verify the amount and status

// if transaction is successful

// kindly call Paytm Transaction Status API and verify the transaction amount and status.

// If everything is fine then mark that transaction as successful into your DB.         




response.writeHead(200, {'Content-type' : 'text/json'});




module.exports = router;

Note: Make sure you have changed the keys with your paytm developer account key in "paytm_config.js"

Now run your #Node-JS #server and then run your app on your #IOS simulator/device.

After generating the checksum-hash from node server call will go to paytm server and you will see paytm payment screen on your app screen.

Happy coding...

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